
What is lead time? Definition and strategies to optimize

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Today’s customers don’t want to wait. When delivering products, long lead times can negatively impact customer satisfaction, regardless of product quality. When faced with the option of waiting months for their preferred product or receiving a comparable alternative immediately, most customers will choose the readily available option.

Optimizing the supply chain can lead to greater resilience, fewer disruptions, defined mitigation plans, and rapid recovery, all of which contribute to shorter lead times. These strategies can help improve overall competitiveness, increase orders, and reduce costs.

This guide defines lead time, discusses the different types of lead times and the formulas for calculating them, and offers tips on reducing lead times in your business.

Definition of lead time

Lead time is the elapsed time from the start of a process to its completion. It can be applied to any process in which a set of actions takes place. For example, a highly customized product, such as a work of art, may have a long lead time due to its unique, customer-centric requirements. Standardized products, such as vacuum cleaners, may have a short lead time due to established production processes and inventory management.

Lead-time metrics are crucial for understanding and optimizing various business processes. They’re an essential part of strategic planning and decision-making, leading to improved customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

Types of lead time

There are three types of lead time:

  • Customer lead time is the time between when a customer places an order and when they receive the product. It often begins with the order confirmation but can include the time to place the order. It encompasses preparing the product, packing, and shipping and ends with the final delivery.
  • Material lead time is common in product manufacturing. It measures the time between identifying the need for materials and receiving them. For example, if a manufacturer uses raw steel, the material lead time includes defining the quantity and grade needed, placing the order with the supplier, knowing the supplier’s lead time to make the materials to specifications, packing, and shipping.
  • Production lead time is the time it takes to create a product once all raw materials are available. This internal lead-time metric doesn’t include shipping to customers but ends with a product-ready status. For example, production lead time in software development encompasses gathering requirements, crafting design and development specifications, developing software, testing, and releasing.

Though measured separately, you can include these in a cumulative lead time that measures the end-to-end cycle, such as from raw material to the customer’s hands.

Components of lead time

Lead time breaks down into specific elements to help measure, track, and optimize processes. These components include the following:

  • Pre-processing encompasses the activities before purchasing materials or products, such as identifying requirements, creating the job or statement of work, and purchasing. These activities precede placing the actual order and can vary by industry.
  • Processing includes the time from receiving the order to producing the product. In software development, this is the time to create a new feature. In manufacturing, it’s the time to build the physical product.
  • Wait time is the time between pre-processing and processing. For example, if the product is on a strategic roadmap but has projects ahead of it, the wait time indicates the elapsed time between placing the order and when processing begins.
  • Storage refers to the amount of time a product is stored in a facility, such as a warehouse, before shipping.
  • Transportation is the amount of time a product is in transit, from leaving the warehouse to reaching the customer.
  • Inspection is when the customer must verify that the product meets their approval. For manufactured items, this may be testing that the product functions as expected. In software development, this is commonly the user acceptance testing period. In all examples, the inspection time may include making product corrections.

Factors affecting lead time

Many factors can influence lead time, including:

  • Supplier availability: Your lead time predictions are only as good as your supplier’s. If the supplier is unable to secure materials, their lead times lengthen.
  • Supplier reliability: The quality of the materials your supplier receives can impact your lead time, especially if products need repairs or replacement.
  • Production processes: Each step in the production process has the potential to lengthen or shorten lead times. Efficient processes improve lead times, while opaque or complex processes can create longer lead times.
  • Inventory levels: Low inventory levels during high demand can lengthen lead times. However, too much inventory that requires storage can also lead to inefficiencies in order processing.
  • Transportation: The distance products must travel between your warehouse and your customer, or whether they must clear customs or undergo regulatory inspection, can affect lead times.
  • Quality: The reliability of your products and whether they meet customer expectations can result in shipping replacement products. When this happens, the lead time from order to customer roughly doubles.
  • Demand: Product demand can be seasonal. For example, if you manufacture patio furniture, demand increases during warm months. If demand outpaces the production process, this can result in backlogged orders. Every moment an order is in backlog, the average lead time increases.
  • Communication: Poor communication across teams or with suppliers and shippers can create inefficiencies. This can include orders not shipping when the product is available or a delay in ordering raw materials.
  • External events: The Covid pandemic disrupted the supply chain, resulting in long lead times. Other events, such as natural disasters, power outages, road construction, and political events, can also impact lead times.

How to measure lead time

A generic formula for calculating lead time is the process complete date minus the process start date.

For specific lead time types, the formulas are as follows:

  • Production lead time is the sum of production time, procurement time, and shipping time.
  • Inventory lead time is the sum of supply delay and reordering delay time.
  • Order fulfillment lead time is the order delivery date minus the order received date.

Strategies to reduce lead time

You can do many things to reduce lead times, all leading to developing a strategy that measures, tracks, and optimizes each step in your processes. This iterative process is integral to your overall product strategy. Here are some ways to improve your lead times:

Process optimization

Review the processes that contribute to lead time. If there are unnecessary steps or waste, eliminate these. Remember that process optimization may require adding new steps to reduce lead time.

For example, if regulatory reviews affect your lead times, determine the rate of rework your finished products undergo. Assign an individual or team to understand compliance and validate that the specifications meet those requirements. Additional steps like compliance testing for finished products may also help. While these steps may increase production lead time at first, they can decrease the cumulative lead time for your products.

If you’re purchasing raw materials, review the rate of reorder and rejection due to quality issues. Look for opportunities to improve the quality. These can include defining clearer requirements for the materials you need, auditing the quality of various suppliers, and reviewing how you store and use materials.


Automated reports during project planning and each project management phase can alert you to low inventory, longer-than-usual lead times, fluctuating customer demand, and compliance errors. With tools such as Jira reports, you can track your cycle times and the issues impacting them. For example, a cumulative flow diagram can help you spot blockages in real-time, and a control chart can provide insights into cycle and lead times.

その他の自動化ステップには、在庫が一定レベルに達した際のアラート、製品テスト時のクリティカル エラー、または顧客からのフィードバックのトリガーなどがあります。よりスムーズに納品するには、リード タイムの影響の自動化を標準のプロジェクト管理機能として組み込みます。


サプライヤーについて知り、下調べをしましょう。最も安い製品が、リワーク、信頼性の低さ、または在庫に一貫性がないことによって、リード タイムに影響すると、最も高価な製品になってしまう可能性があります。高品質の材料を調達し、価格を交渉し、拒否またはリワークされた材料を取り扱うには、サプライヤーとの関係を管理することが重要です。

サプライヤーを選ぶ際は、リード タイム、場所、信頼性を確認します。多くの場合、現地のサプライヤーはより迅速に配送できます。また、距離が近いため、より良い関係を築くことができます。問題が発生した場合、サプライヤーと強固な関係を築いていると、課題を迅速に克服できます。



  • バリュー ストリーム マッピングにより価値を特定します。これは、プロセスの各ステップで顧客に提供される価値を分析することです。これにより、企業は、価値がほとんどまたはまったくないアクティビティに時間とリソースを費やしている場所を確認し、それらのアクティビティを排除できます。
  • ボトルネックを取り除き、プロセスのステップを開始から終了まで効率的に順序付けてフローを作成します。
  • 実際の需要に基づいて製品を生産することでプル システムを確立します。これにより、必要な製品のみを必要なときに生産し、過剰な在庫を減らせます。

リーンの原則では、製品開発ライフ サイクルにおける継続的な改善アクティビティを構築することで、優れた製品とプロセスを目指します。

Jira でリード タイムを最適化する

Jira はリアルタイムのインサイトを提供するため、リード タイムや作業管理全体を改善できます。Jira を利用して、チームは、予測の管理から解決時間の追跡まで、課題を早期に特定して解決できます。

Jira のアジャイル レポートにより、チームはスプリント内の過剰な作業量やスコープ クリープを特定し、バーンダウン チャートで進捗を追跡し、ベロシティ チャートで作業の見積もりを改善できるようになります。

リーンかつアジャイルな環境で Jira を利用して、ワークフローを最適化し、継続的なデリバリーと改善を実現しましょう。

リード タイム: よくある質問

リード タイムの例

リード タイムはすべての製品やサービスに当てはまります。たとえば、家族が家を購入するのをサポートしている不動産ブローカーであれば、リード タイムは以下のようになるでしょう。

  • 購入可能な物件の調査に 4 時間必要である。
  • 候補物件を内覧してもらうには 2 日間必要である。
  • 申し込みの承認が確定されるのは 2 日後である。
  • 検査には 10 日間必要である。
  • エスクローには 5 日間必要である。

資金の確保、修理の交渉など、リード タイムでステップが追加される可能性があります。プロセスを最適化すると、家族が購入プロセスを開始してから新しい家に引っ越すまでのリード タイムは 31 日間に短縮できます。

リード タイムとターンアラウンド タイムの違いは何ですか?

リード タイムとターンアラウンド タイムでは、測定するアクティビティが異なります。リード タイムとは、開始から終了までの経過時間です。顧客の注文への対応や、構成部品の製造などです。

ターンアラウンド タイムは、手続きにかかる時間を測定します。レストランでの食事の注文や診療所での受診などです。診療所でのターンアラウンド タイムとは、患者が診療所にいる時間です。つまり、受付、医療提供者の診察を待つ、医師の診察、会計の時間のことです。通常、リード タイムはより短く、より多くの可変要素を含みます。たとえば、喫緊の問題を抱えた別の患者が優先されると、患者の待ち時間が長くなる可能性があります。

リード タイムはデリバリー タイムと同じですか?

これらは同じ意味で使用されていますが、リード タイムとデリバリー タイムは同じではありません。リード タイムは、定義されたビジネス プロセスにおける経過時間です。これにデリバリーが含まれることがありますが、必ずしもそうではありません。デリバリー タイムとは、顧客が発注し、その注文が顧客に届くまでの経過時間を測定する、より具体的な用語です。



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